Notification Configuration object.
Resource-Id for the Notification Small icon.
Guideline: Notification small icon should be flat, pictured face on, and must be white on a transparent background.
Resource-Id for the Notification Large Icon
Notification Configuration object.
Resource-Id for the Notification Small icon.
Guideline: Notification small icon should be flat, pictured face on, and must be white on a transparent background.
Resource-Id for the Notification Large Icon.
Set the color for notification.
By default, the SDK shows only one notification at a given point in time, existing notification is updated with the new notification. If set to true new notifications would be shown separately.
Resource-Id for the Notification Small icon.
Guideline: Notification small icon should be flat, pictured face on, and must be white on a transparent background.
Resource-Id for the Notification Large Icon
Set the color for notification.
By default, the SDK shows only one notification at a given point in time, existing notification is updated with the new notification. If set to true new notifications would be shown separately.
By default MoEngage SDK synthesis the back-stack from the manifest when redirecting user on push click. If set to false SDK would not synthesis a back-stack.
false if you don't want to show the notification large icon on Android Lollipop and above devices, else true.
If true, the rich notification will be posted directly for heads-up notification. By default, it will will be posted using reposting mechanism